Nevertheless, we should, first of all, not forget that this kind service is referred to plenty work that has to be put into the whole learning process. Supermemo provides satisfactory results only if do exercises regularly. It is proved by the fact that sometimes we have difficulties with learning some new material and, hence, if we don’t repeat something we had complications with, we may not discover any improvement concerning our abilities.
In order to avoid being bored with the learning process, supermemo comprises of a lot of interesting exercises, owing to which we can practice recently learned words in various aspects. This proves that after one year of systematical exercises, we can reach really impressive level of language proficiency. This is indicated by improving number of diverse buyers, who have observed out on their own that supermemo is solution that can be significantly more effective in terms of the relation of the advantages to the expenses. Another influential fact connected with similar issue is that we are much more flexible. We don’t have to attend classes systematically and we don’t lose money for not attending them. We carry out a schedule for ourselves as we need, but in this case we should be aware of the fact that longer pauses can be pretty damaging for our total progress.