It is with no doubt the place, where the most dramatic extermination took place as more than one million of European Jews were killed. Even though it is with no doubt a quite difficult and sad experience to be there and realize how many people were killed there, it is required to be there in order to be aware what is the result of massive blindness and being passive. This proves that choosing inter alia Auschwitz tours may be an attractive solution for people who would like to learn dramatic history of Auschwitz – a place, which also a variety of heroes have been in.
An attractive example is related to Witold Pilecki – a Polish rotamaster, who went to Auschwitz as a volunteer in order to present the world the realms there and to prepare a resistance movement. Having spent about 3 years there he left the camp with two other prisoners and conducted an about 100-sites long document that shows the brutality of Nazi soldiers, who were responsible for uncountable death on the industrial scale of significantly more than one million people. Auschwitz tours is, hence, an interesting possibility to learn a story of a brave hero, which Witold Pilecki certainly is.
To conclude, we ought to remember that being in Poland, especially in the southern area, we might learn a lot from a trip to Auschwitz (more details). Even though it surely is a really sad experience, picking Auschwitz tours may help us analyze many miscellaneous aspects of our life. Moreover, example of various brave people like Witold Pilecki may be surely an important inspiration. Consequently, it is advised to learn from them above mentioned positive values that are likely to be quite helpful in our everyday life.