At the moment it is not important if you think about oppening your market or a workshop in another country, or starting just from exporting commodities abroad.

many companies are starting to notice the benefits of entering the markets of Post-Soviet States. Nonetheless, there is one country of the region which is peerlessly beloved amongbetween investors – that is the Russian Federation. What are the reasons of that situation?
To start with, Russia is the largest European market. It has more than 143 million citizens, that are possiblecustomers!
Secondly, many specialists illustrate the Russian market as a highly absorbent. Clearly, prognosis differ depending on the sector but the market is described as extremely perspective – Gost R.
The final important aspect is that Russian citizens are getting richer and the middle class develops. it creates systematically increasing demand for new items.
After all, it is worth keeping in mind that the Russian market has its own distinctives and challenges. Firstly, it happens that sanctions and embargo are unexpectedly brought in. Sadly, that is hard to predict them as they have reference to the current political events. Additionally, the markets of former Soviet Republics have their own certain limitations and requirements, which are unlike than those applied by the EU. For example, your company can have all European certifications, but when entering the Russian market you ought to have GOST-R certificate – russian gost. Undoubtedly, it creates additional costs.
Undeniably, that is very important that before making a choice about entering the Russian market, you need to thoroughly consider the ongoing status of the sector you are interested in. However, despite these difficulties, many enterprises choose to open their business in the Russian market. In fact, the market has immense potential and prospects for further development.