In each larger city in Poland there is many of vintage mansions, build in last centuries. There’re really beautiful, but unluckily buildings made of bricks after few decades have a lot of holes, so in time of winter costs of heating could be really huge.
But right now we got a lot of methods to insulate surfaces of our apartment fast and simple.
When You are tired of huge bills You are wasting on heating, You must to spend some cash on silicone render. That is sort of fabric which is great to insulate Your walls, quick and simple. It goes with a dedicated sort of foam, that is protecting every wall from loosing temperature, but it let it “breath”. Those two materials You have a chance to buy in every market with renovation’s equipment. It goes in different option, select one which would be the best in Your interior. If You are not good in labor like that, You should hire any professional group which will aid You with that task.

Entire process isn’t very complicated, but it needs some time. By the time You lay silicone render, first You’ve to clean entire surface, either be certain that plaster does not has any holes, if so You need to remove it. Another job is to lay render on whole surface, abide until it get dry and then impose special glue. Next step is to cover entire wall with foam then put some plaster on it. Surely, now You need to repaint Your apartment, but You don’t have to be afraid about Your heating bills anymore.
Living in a vintage, sophisticated flat is very nice, but not during the winter, when it’s freezing outside and interior is getting cold thanks to porous walls. That’s why You need to invest in decent silicone render to insulate entire house and spare some cash on heating expenditures.