When somebody purchases pharmaceuticals, he often does not fully understand how long can be the path from pure substance to finally formed and packed pellet.

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This process is sophisticated and has to be performed under particular conditions. Manufacturing is the initial step, then medicines need to be packed and repacked.
Following manufacturing, the drugs are boxed up into large packages and shipped further. Pharmaceutical repackaging is often realised by an external company. This institution gets pharmaceuticals and then reorganizes them into smaller packs, for instance blisters in cartons or plastic bottles. The containers, in which drugs are transferred have to fulfil special requirements. In some cases the constant temperature is needed to preserve all the properties. That is why some packages are particularly insulated. The procedure is called a „cold chain”. For example, some types of tablets or vaccines have to be stored in the refrigerator – in patient’s house too. Another case of pharmaceutical repackaging takes place in pharmacies. Some clients come to the pharmacy for prescription medicines. The proper drug is made by pharmacist according to the physicians’ guidelines. So the pharmacies get larger amounts of particular ingredient, which are then divided into smaller parts, properly mixed and packed in smaller containers for users. The pharmacist informs the client how to store this medicine and how long it can be used without losing its properties.
A drug is an exceptional product, which needs to be packed with special care and stored in particular conditions. All the procedure guarantees that medicine gets in user’s hands in perfect shape and its properties are completely retained.