Markets of our eastern neighbours are starting to be very attractive. Particularly when it comes to is Russian market. What is the reason? Its citizens are getting richer.
In consequence, they can purchase more, as well as on new categories of goods. Furthermore, Russian market is 1 of the biggest markets in the whole world. Consequently, it is a natural step in the growth of company.

If business makes up mind to start to export their goods to Russian market, has to remember that Russia is not a member of the EU. Because of it, Russia has its own standards and procedures, that have to be respected by every firm, that wants to export to Russian market. It results in famous gost certification that business needs to obtain before entering Russian market. 1 of these certificate is gost Russia. Gost certification refers to specific technical standards connected with the territory of countries of so calLED Commonwealth of Independent States (also known as the Russian Commonwealth). Get in for more informations: .

Gost Russia is very specific and refers specially to Russian market. This certificate is some kind of confirmation, that exported goods and its quality are in compliance with Russian standards. Until recently, that certificate was obligatory and this was necessary to receive by every enterprise, interested in entering Russian market. It has changes not long ago and at the moment this is only a voluntary requirement. Nonetheless, it is still worth to have it. Why? This additional document might distinguish products from competitors thus also boost the demand. Newest news: .
This is necessary to keep in mind that, as already mentioned, this certificate was obligatory for many years. So, it is recognized as well as respected by plenty of potential Russian partners.