The special trade and industry regions are located mainly in the suburbs of large cities or agglomerations. In the place can be run even the most unsafe productions and no one will suffer from the noise, polluted space and non-stop driving trucks.
Unusual trade and industry regions– called in short SSE are situated worldwide. You are able to see them in China, Indie, Iran, Jordanian, Poland, Russia and more. What is more, the special regions are created in states which are poor as well as rich. The zones are able to bring incomes to the state and establish plenty novel work areas.
each industry and its location posses its advantage and drawbacks. There will be presented several drawback and positive sides of having industry in a special trade and industry region.
Several advantages of being a member of unusual trade and industry region are:– Corporations do not should pay any kinds of taxes- The location of the unusualzones, is in very appropriate places, near to motorways and includes large parking space- In case of crisis and good prosperity of the specialregion, local authorities are able to offer their help
The drawbacks of running company in the SSE are:– The corporation has to be kept from 3 to 5 years in the SSE- it can be difficult in times of crisis to keep the company and do not run up a debt.- You must pay rent for the surface you use – in crisis it can be a big drawback for your business.
SSE is not suitable for all businesses. Several bussinesses cannot be run there. Unusual trade and industry regions were a fantastic invention because individuals need those types of industries and they do not want to have them close their neighborhoods. The described regions are ideal for big companies which would like to be more influential and want to manufacture more.