The 1st circumstance is building works. This kind of machines is called hoist device.
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It is used in different situations, it all counts on the business and kind of work the person wants to make. It is used in constructing high buildings like homes (it is sufficient to build two-floor building), shopping zones (there are numerous floors of different shapes) and hotels. It is not a brand new product, the model was used in building pyramids in the Egypt.
The 2nd destination where the lifting equipment can be quickly applied is the farm. It is a location where lives heavy pets which occasionally must be moved from location A to location B in a safe way. There is a unique lifting equipment which must be located in each farm.
For this reason it is relevant to lift the cow as usually as it is possible. By undertaking this the tummy and intestines can run properly and the pet have opportunity to survive. It is essential to lift the pet several times a day for about several minutes.