Besides, they are somewhat correlated with themselves, which proves that despite the fact that in majority of countries the amount of people employed in the last area increases very quickly, we should be aware of the fact that not paying attention to the situation in agriculture etc. can lead to serious problems for an economy, as shortages of food and other products have to be compensated due to international trade. Therefore, we should remember that for each government it is recommended to find a professional balance that would guarantee the economy of a country stable growth and professional fundaments.
The reason why industry is also quite important and fundamental is that for instance technological developments in this field might influence appropriately services, as it would be connected inter alia with working in much better and healthy environment, as well as agriculture, as improvingly effective machines would be implemented.
Consequently, we are recommended to also remember that a country has many moves that can help it more effectively influence the structure of each of the previously analyzed topic. They should be used sufficiently to the present economic situation and requirements in different topics.