
Industry as an example of topic of economy that has developed probably the most during recent years worldwide

More and more frequently it is observed contemporarily that the pace of various developments observed these days is increasingly higher. It is connected, firstly, with the fact that generally increasing percentage of people exist on Earth. Thanks to the fact that nowadays there is more and more than 7 billions of citizens on our planet, there is also an increasing demand for new, more effective alternatives.


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The same happens in industry, where also new goods have to be improved in an increasing amount. Consequently, we should also not forget that this sector is likely to continue to improve. Nonetheless, the development of this field is nowadays far more likely to have place outside Europe. It is connected with demographic reasons, which prove that countries such as China or Indie have together more than 30% of inhabitants on our planet. Consequently, owing to significant supply of the people working there, we should not forget that the labor costs there are very low and attractive for investors, which proves that they tend to pick these countries in order to establish their own corporations in the field presented previously.

Even though the future in the above mentioned area is likely to be referred to Asia, we are recommended to not forget that Europe would play a quite important role regards improvement of industry. It is implied by the fact that our continent has significant competitive edge in the area of technology. Employees on our continent are in most cases highly skilled and professionally educated, which is quite meaningful regards progress and creating new innovations that would make the previously mentioned sector be even more efficient.


Autor: Devin Stein
In the light of the points mentioned above, we are recommended to keep in mind that industry might change directions of its growth significantly. On the other side, due to close analysis of the history we may get to know that there is almost nothing that always remains the same, which implies that new tendencies we find out currently ought not to be surprising to us.